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Organization Name:  Sikh Gurdwara of Rochester Hills
Organization Overview:  Every Sikh is under an obligation and is required to submit himself to the order of the Khalsa. This is a pledge to remain under control, governance of the Ultimate reality. Amritdhari is the honour of being a member of the Panth (a disciplined force of God). A Sikh must live life according to the terms of Sikhism. There is general understanding that a novice must have a “lent period” during which he/she must prepare to go the way of Guru with a voluntary and firm decision to change his/her life style, they must desire to and be willing to live their life by the values and virtues of Gurmat. Then and only then, the novice will become worthy to get the gift of Almighty Lord’s grace and attain eternal unity. Some people are of the view that initiation may be administered to a boy or girl when he or she reaches an intelligent age.
Language:  English,Punjabi
Cultures:  Indian
Street:  271 West Auburn Road
City/Township:  Rochester Hills
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48307
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 651-1139