Religious - Spiritual: Christian: Protestant

Organization Overview:  "Speaking the Truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ." Ephesians 4:15 To understand a church on earth, you must understand its members, because after all, we are the church. Hope Lutheran Church in Warren, Michigan is a growing congregation of Missouri Synod Lutherans who number approximately 1000 souls. We are forgiven in the blood of Jesus Christ and strive to please our Lord in all we say and do.
Language:  Arabic,English
Cultures:  All,American,Arabic
Street:  32400 Hoover Rd.
City/Township:  Warren
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48093
Country:  USA
Phone:  716) 381 – 1301
Organization Name:  International Hope Center (IHC)
Organization Overview:  International Hope Center is based in the city of Hamtramck, which is located in the heart of Detroit, MI. Hamtramck is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the nation with over 20 languages spoken in its 2.1 sq. mile borders. Hamtramck mirrors the direction of our nation. Increasingly, the U.S. is becoming a multi-cultural, multi-religious and urban society. The purpose of the International Hope Center is to challenge the church to reach out cross-culturally and into urban centers both in the US and abroad.
Language:  English,Spanish
Cultures:  All,American,Multicultural
Street:  12101 Joseph Compau
City/Township:  Hamtramck
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48212
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 570-9201
Organization Name:  Korean Bible Church of Ann Arbor
Organization Overview:  모이고 배우고 전파하기를 사모하는 교회가 됩시다
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  4220 Packard
City/Township:  Ann Arbor
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48108
Country:  USA
Phone:  (734)973-2454
Street:   500 W. Gardenia Ave.
City/Township:  Madison Heights
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48071
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 646-3646
Fax No:  (248) 544-4024
Organization Overview:  The vision of the Detroit Conference of The United Methodist Church is to create and nurture dynamic and fruitful congregations who make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 연합 감리 교회 디트로이트 회의의 비전은 세계의 변화에 대한 예수 그리스도의 제자를 만드는 역동적이고 유익한 교회를 생성하고 육성하는 것입니다.
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  500 West Gardenia St.
City/Township:  Madison Heights
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48071
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 545-5554
Organization Overview:  Equipped and ministering in grace 장착과 은혜의 사역
Language:  English,Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  27075 W. Nine Mile Rd,
City/Township:  Southfield
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48033
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 356-4488
Fax No:  (248) 356-6119
Organization Overview:  안녕하세요? 저는 미시간 장로교회를 1988년 부터 섬기는 행복한 목사 신효철입니다. 사이버 공간을 통해 여러분을 만나게 되어서 반갑습니다. 새로운 시대, 새로운 목회를 열어 가는 인터넷 공간도 하나님이 주시는 거룩한 목회의 장이라 믿습니다. 인터넷 언어는 새로운 커뮤니케이션 언어로 놀라운 정보의 확산 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 저희 미시간 장로교회(KAPC/Mid-West Presbytery 소속)는 1980년 10월 창립된 이후 "평신도 사역자와 동역하는 교회"라는 핵심가치 아래, 새로운 예배의 갱신을 꾀하는 교회, 가정교회(목장)와 양육 중심의 교회, 1세와 2세가 함께 세워가는 교회, 이민 가정을 치유하는 교회, 선교명령에 순종하는 교회의 비젼을 가지고 21세기를 세워가고 있습니다. 저희 교회 공간을 찾아 주시는 모든 분들에게 늘 하나님의 크신 은혜와 사랑이 충만하시기를 기도합니다. 담임목사 신효철 드림
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  30465 Farmington Rd.
City/Township:  Farmington Hills
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48334
Country:  USA
Phone:   (248) 592-9960
Organization Overview:  등록절차.png 가. 임시등록 처음 오시는 분들은 교회 정문에 있는 새가족부의 안내로 임시 교인 등록을 하시길 바랍니다. 신앙의 성장을 원하신다면 필히 등록하셔서 담당 속회들의 은혜로운 신앙지도를 받으시고, 많은 교인들과 함께 성도의 교제를 나누시길 바랍니다. 나. 속회등록 새가족부의 안내를 받아 각 속회로 편입하시길 바랍니다. 각 속회에 소속이 되셔서 정기적인 속회모임을 통하여 말씀의 훈련과 사랑의 교제를 나누시길 바랍니다. 또한 정기적으로 있는 새교우 환영회를 통하여 서로 풍성한 교제를 나누는 시간을 가지게 됩니다.
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  1526 Franklin St
City/Township:  Ann Arbor
State:  MI
Country:  USA
Phone:  (734) 662-0660
Fax No:  (734) 998-1483
Organization Overview:  A community sharing vision with the next generation. 다음 세대와 지역 사회의 공유 비전
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  42693 Dequindre Rd.
City/Township:  Troy
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48085
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 879-2240
Fax No:  (248) 879-2295
Organization Overview:  랜싱연합감리교회는 그리스도의 형상을 온전히 세상 가운데 드러내고자 하는 소망을 갖고 있습니다. 성경이 가르치는 교회의 비전은 하나님 나라입니다. 하나님 나라는 그리스도의 인격과 삶을 통해서 이 땅에 임합니다. 교회는 성령과 말씀의 능력 안에서 그리스도를 따르는 삶을 살아감으로 그를 통해서 임한 하나님 나라를 세상에 나타내도록 부름을 받은 공동체입니다.
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  2400 East Lake Lansing Road
City/Township:  East Lansing
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48823
Country:  USA
Phone:  (517) 333-3633
Fax No:  (517) 669-1275
Organization Overview:  歡迎您來到底特律華人宣道會的網站,盼望您能仔細瀏灠,得到您想要的資料。底特律華人宣道會是底特律華人屬靈的大家庭,我們共同委身,以耶穌基督為我們救主和生命的主,並一同事奉祂。我們並抱著耶穌基督的愛心去關心和幫助您們身心靈的需要,希望您們都得到基督的愛和生命。如果您有任何建議,請與我們連繫,願神祝福您並以祂聖靈引導您人生的每一步。請來訪問我們的教會。 Detroit Chinese Alliance Church is a multi-cultural, church-planting, missions-focused body of believers. We have worship services, events, and ministries in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. Together, we are "one body serving Christ." A personal note from the English Ministry pastor, Rob Burns: While I am Caucasian, I very much enjoy serving at a church largely comprised of ethnic Chinese peoples. Having served at this church for more than 4.5 years now, I can say that balancing a more "Eastern" perspective on Jesus Christ with the "Western" perspective I grew up with is one of the most enriching experiences of my life. Having also done missionary work in what was formerly Yugoslavia (a country which embodied the concept of transitional zone between what we think of as "East" and "West"), I can say that anyone desiring to know Christ within a rich cultural context balancing "East" and "West" does not have to go overseas to find it, but would do well simply to visit our church and speak with us about this!
Language:  Mandarin Chinese,English,Mandarin Chinese
Cultures:  All,American,Chinese
Street:  31329 John R Road
City/Township:  Madison Heights
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48071
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 588-0642
Organization Name:  Middle Eastern Bible Fellowship
Organization Overview:   أهلا وسهلا بكم أيها الاحباء الى موقع كنيستنا الالكتروني. هذا الموقع سيساعدكم بدون أدنى شك على بناء حياة روحية مسيحية رفيعة المستوى من خلال كل ما ينشر عليه. كنيسة الشرق الاوسط الكتابية هي كنيسة عربية مستقـلّـة لا طائفية. غرَسها الربّ في مدينة ديترويت الكبرى شهادة له. أساس إيمانها هو كلمة الله الحيّة الباقية إلى الأبد الموحَى بها من الله بالروح القدس النافعة للتعليم والتوبيخ والتأديب والتقويم. الكنيسة مبنيّة على أساس متين والاساس هو صخر الدهور الصخر الكامل صنيعُه الذي هو ربنا الحبيب يسوع المسيح. وهي تؤمِن بالله المثلث الاقانيم وإمتدادها يعود إلى الكنيسة الرسولية الأولى وتعاليم الرسل والانبياء المعلنة لنا على صفحات الكتاب المقدس. أهدافها نشر نور كلمة المسيح في ظلام هذا العالم التعيس والبائس والعيش بقداسة في وسط جيل معوّج وملتوي تضيء فيه بالإتّكال الكلي على نعمة الله الغنيّة الفيّاضة والمباركة. هدفها هو الإبقاء على كنيسة مشرفة مثل الصباح وجميلة كالقمر وطاهرة كالشمس ومُرهبة كجيشٍ بألوية. منتظرة الرجاء المبارك وظهور ربّنا ومخلّصنا يسوع المسيح عريسها. الذي سيأتي عن قريب ليأخذ عروسه ويخطفها من وسط هذا العالم الشرير لتكون معه في الامجاد السماوية. هو ات عن قريب بمجدٍ عظيم ليدين الأحياء والأموات الذي له المجد والقدرة والعظمة والسلطان إلى دهر الداهرين وإلى أبد الآبدين. آمــــيــــن. The Middle Eastern Bible Fellowship is a small organization in the religious organizations industry located in Clawson, MI. It opened its doors in 2009 and now has an estimated $57,000 USD in yearly revenue and approximately 1 employee.
Language:  Arabic,English
Cultures:  Arabic,Iraqi
Street:  426 W. Fourteen Mile Rd
City/Township:  Clawson
State:  MI
Zip Code:   48017
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 703 - 6565
Organization Name:  Mother of the Savior Church
Organization Overview:  Protestant church in Dearborn.
Language:  Arabic,English
Cultures:  All,American,Arabic
Street:  19100 Ford Rd
City/Township:  Dearborn
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48128
Country:  USA
Phone:   (313) 336-0036
Organization Name:  Netherlands Reformed Church
Organization Overview:  Our History The Netherlands Reformed Congregations of North America was formed in the early 1900's. Many Dutch speaking churches began to organize in North America as a result of the immigration wave of families from the Netherlands in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These churches were at first affiliated with the various denominations in the Netherlands from which the members had left. Our group of churches was originally affiliated with the Reformed Congregations of the Netherlands but as the number of churches in North America grew it became more practical to form a new denomination. This allowed us to train our own ministers and to have local oversight. We thus became the Netherlands Reformed Congregations of North America (NRC). Like any immigrant community, the older members resisted integration and so the early church services were held in Dutch, thus retaining their distinct cultural heritage. In time, as the older generations passed away and the younger more Americanized members filled their places, the churches switched to English language services. That which did not change however was a close adherence to the doctrines found in the Bible and further articulated by divines from the "Second Dutch Reformation." These doctrines are outlined in the now historic Three Forms of Unity: The Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession of Faith, and the Canons of Dort. While the Bible is and remains the sole focus and authority in worship and practice, these documents, based on the Word of God, provide common reference among the reformed churches. This keeps the NRC churches from losing its theological foundation as the culture around us continues its moral decay and many Christian churches have sacrificed their historic statements of faith for looser practices of worship. We have retained the name of "Netherlands Reformed" not out of a desire to exclude people from other cultures and backgrounds but out of recognition of our rich heritage. The reformed doctrines were handed-down from our fore-fathers as representing the pure Word of God. When so many people and churches are losing their footings and when so many foundations are shaken we have sought to hold to the truths of the Bible. We have done this not simply intellectually but with an emphasis on practical and experimental faith that influences the whole person. Our worship services start with a prayer for God's blessing followed by singing from the Psalter. Before reading a portion of Scripture, relative to the message, we read the 10 Commandments in the morning service and the Apostolic Creed in the evening service. The pastor or one of the elders then prays on behalf of the congregation. Following this, we sing another Psalm and following this the main address is given. There are usually one or two more songs and a closing prayer. Finally the pastor blesses the entire congregation with the benediction and the service is over. The services are usually about 90 minutes long. All singing during the worship services are songs adapted from the Psalms (one of the books of the Bible given for worship). Other than singing, the congregation usually remains respectful and silent, the women have their heads covered in accordance with Paul's command to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 11), and the general atmosphere is one of quiet reverence.
Language:  Dutch,English
Cultures:  Dutch
Street:  1255 Covell Ave NW,
City/Township:  Grand Rapids
State:  MI
Zip Code:  49504
Country:  USA
Phone:  (616) 453-6916
Organization Name:  New Hope Church
Organization Overview:  Welcome to New Hope! We’re so glad you found us. If you’re interested to know more about our community of believers, we hope this page will give you a good idea of what to expect when you come to visit. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Language:  English,Korean
Cultures:  All,American,Korean
Street:  27075 W. 9 Mile Rd
City/Township:  Southfield
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48033
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 356-4488

Additional information